Core product explanation
Foreign currency exchange
Multi currency service
Integrate services into your account to provide liquidity and global coverage for your currency investments, without the need for high exchange fees
Convenient acceptance
Conversion of digital currency to legal tender
TURFINECO provides fast exchange of cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies on the same platform
Quick processing
KYC Quick Authentication
Implement KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering) policies, with fast and simple authentication to ensure financial security
Ecological composition
TURFINECO is dedicated to improving the cross-border payment experience, providing individuals and businesses with more convenient and cost-effective international payment solutions. TURFINECO users can enjoy safe and convenient shopping experiences worldwide
Digital wallet platform
Provide a secure, flexible, and customizable digital wallet platform that enables users to make electronic payments, transfer funds, exchange currencies, and manage digital assets. This platform supports multiple payment methods, including mobile payment, online payment, and card payment
Global Digital Currency Savings Card
By issuing savings cards and credit cards through the platform, we provide consumers with convenient and fast payment tools. Can be used for online shopping, physical store consumption, and withdrawal, etc
Global Payment
TURFINECO is committed to improving the cross-border payment experience, providing individuals and businesses with more convenient and low-cost international payments. TURFINECO users can achieve a safe and convenient consumption experience around the world
TURFINECO Digital Ecological Profit
1Flexible access to daily interest calculation
3International banking regulatory agencies regulate the legality of capital gains
2Realize value growth of compound interest digital assets with returns
4Real time acceptance settlement of digital currency and fiat currency
Over 361 days Number of Days for Demand Deposit
0.70% Daily Deposit Interest Rate
3000 Set Deposit Amount
-- Deposit Days
-- Total Interest
271-361 days Current investment days
0.60% Daily rate of return
3000 Set Deposit Amount
360 Investment Days
13010.87 Total revenue
121-270 days Number of Days for Demand Deposit
0.50% Daily Deposit Interest Rate
3000 Set Deposit Amount
270 Deposit Days
6351.69 Total Interest
61-120 days Number of Days for Demand Deposit
0.40% Daily Deposit Interest Rate
3000 Set Deposit Amount
120 Deposit Days
1427.11 Total Interest
31-60 days Number of Days for Demand Deposit
0.30% Daily Deposit Interest Rate
3000 Set Deposit Amount
60 Deposit Days
484.64 Total Interest
1-30 days Number of Days for Demand Deposit
0.20% Daily Deposit Interest Rate
3000 Set Deposit Amount
30 Deposit Days
185.33 Total Interest
Application Download
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2After Downloading the App
Watch the Video
Click the 'Become a TURFINECO Customer' menu, enter your information, and then use the video transaction assistant to verify your information.

Our customers can enjoy low fees for electronic transfers/remittances and participation in the digital ecosystem through their mobile devices.

Using TURFINECO for shopping allows you to purchase any product you want globally, anywhere Mastercard is accepted!

New TURFINECO members are eligible to purchase a global digital currency savings card worth 100 euros!
Borderless Banking
With TURFINECO services, you can easily conduct banking transactions anytime, anywhere.
User Reviews
We serve every user with care, and their satisfaction is our greatest reward.
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